Thursday, January 14, 2010

PAM'S SECOND WEEK: One Baby Step at a Time

My bathroom scale is digital and displays weight in pounds and tenths of pounds, at two/tenth intervals. In other words .2, .4, .6, .8, and .0 I'm sure it was made with dieters in mind, because I doubt anyone else really cares about tenths of pounds in the whole scheme of things. From what I've read, weighing every day is not recommended (I don't know Weight Watchers' stand on this), probably because it puts too much emphasis on results rather than efforts. I don't know, that's just my guess. But still, the lure of the bathroom scale first thing in the morning is beguiling to me because, as long as I'm doing what I should the rest of the day, it will show me that I am, indeed, making progress. Even if it is only measureable in ounces or tenths of pounds. They add up. Knowing that those tenths of pounds add up makes it worth while to skip the tempting refreshments offered at social gatherings, or to stay within my recommended points each day.

On Monday, my WW weigh in showed that I had lost 4.6 pounds during my first week. I'm grateful for the progress, but impatient also. Fortunately, and very gratefully, I realize that it will not take me as long to lose all this extra weight as it took me to gain it. I have to make this effort one baby step at a time, and will learn patience along the way.

1 comment:

Lynne's Somewhat Invented Life said...

PATIENCE? Who wants to learn patience? Don't I have enough already??? Oh, patience about the weight loss. Okay, that makes sense, then.

You will lose great this week because you are doing the four letter word: exercise. I've gone once around the block and that's it. Maybe I could twitch while I type. Would that count as exercise?

Okay, I should walk but now the sun is down and it's cold. I'm good at excuses, huh?